Welcome at Adenda International Business Connecting.
We specialize in creating new business channels in Scandinavia / The Nordics for Dutch Enterprises and to the Netherlands, our home market, for foreign enterprises. On this site, we present the concepts we use for this purpose.
One thing is certain ... we go beyond MatchMaking. Because your International commercial success is our objective and therefore the basis of our concepts. With five unique concept elements, we can offer you the highest assurance that we will find a perfect export partner.
We would be very pleased to be your partner in searching / finding yours. For a concept with maximum result, performed with passion and a smile, please contact us.
In the course of 2025, we will end this activity.
For Partner Search projects, we will inform you at that time on this site and LinkedIn, which company will take over this activity.
If you need or want actual info about, please feel free to contact us.
Ton Ton / CEO - Business Coach